Instagram: @kellertattoo76
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mark.keller.940
Email: kellertattoo@gmail.com
Mark Keller is also known as the “Renaissance Man of Tattoos,” but doesn’t like to limit himself. He composes music, sings, song-writes, drums, strums guitar like a madman—the works! Mark is recording his own punk album Alien Infest. Music and Tattooing aside, he’s probably the biggest San Diego Chargers fan you’ll ever meet and his impressive action figure collection happens to be just as important.
When he’s not doing all of those things or breaking the speed limit on his red scooter and making Bellingham’s best burritos, he loves spending quality time with his kids—what can he say? He’s quite the family man.
Due to Mark’s high-demand, we advise that you make your appointment ahead of time. This guy’s normally booked for weeks, if not months!
Be his Facebook buddy: www.facebook.com/mark.keller.940 or follow him on Instagram: @kellertattoo76